Inspirational Images: Sheer Geniuses

1970s, barbara daly, celia birtwell, Hair and make-up, Inspirational Images, ossie clark, vidal sassoon, Vogue

ossie bailey vogue july 74 a

“What are Vidal Sassoon, Barbara Daly and Ossie Clark doing in Vogue studios? Vidal did the hair, Barbara the make-up, Ossie designed the dress … Lipstick matched to the flowers in Celia Birtwell’s printed chiffon. Ossie Clark twined his own gold chain and lizard over the shoulder and, snap, David Bailey. Dress to order from Ossie Clark.”

Photographed by David Bailey.

Scanned by Miss Peelpants from Vogue, July 1974

ossie bailey vogue july 74 b

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